However, there are somewhat rational explanations for these highly negative human tendencies. Professor of Sociology Huh Chang-deog from Yeungnam University in Gyeongsan stated: “Due to the social problems currently present in Korea, such as high living costs, many Koreans tend to develop a feeling of being poor and wanting more, comparing themse
the referred section is that sellin
When discussing “fair price” (iustum pretium), Aquinas even goes on to say, following Aristotle’s Politics, that essentially “buying and selling seem to have been introduced for the common benefit (communi utilitate) of both [parties], namely when one desires [indiget] the thing of the other, and vice versa.” Unfortunately, but not unexpe
auctions will generate fewer receipts
If federal spectrum allocations become fixed and inflexible, FCC auctions will generate fewer receipts even if Congress extends FCC auction authority. More importantly, American consumers suffer when spectrum is not put to its best and highest-valued use as revealed through auctions. Alternative Legislative Language for Better Budgetary Results Con
human rights watchdog group Imparsial
Human rights groups warn that increased military involvement in governance could weaken civilian control and blur the lines between defense and law enforcement. A report by a Jakarta-based security and human rights watchdog group Imparsial found that, even before the bill’s revision, at least 2,569 active-duty officers were serving in civilian ro
governance reforms, Balochistan’s
Further, on March 14, National Party lawmaker, Phullain Baloch, claimed that the BLA is so heavily stocked with potential suicide attackers that it has suspended further recruitment. He warned that the security situation in Balochistan has deteriorated to the point where elected representatives can no longer visit their constituencies safely. He as